Youtube Id: 177
Youtube Title: Hierarchy Of Courts: The Legal System Of Bangladesh
Contact No.: 01727442293
Business Type: Law/Legal
Location: DHAKA
Company Name: Learn Idea
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Offer Details: The present legal system of Bangladesh Owes its origin mainly to 200-year British rule in Indian sub-continent. The present court structure particularly the subordinate judiciary in both civil and criminal side has their legal basis in the Civil courts Act, 1887 and the Criminal Procedure Court, 1898 as amended up to 2009. Apart from these two pieces of legislation, the Constitution of Bangladesh provides the structure and functioning of the Supreme Court comprising the High Court Division and Appellate Division which are also called the Constitutional Courts. There are some other special laws providing for the basics of some special courts like Juvenile Court, Labour Court, Family Courts, Special Courts, VAT Appeal Tribunal and Administrate Tribunal etc.
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